The client commissioned Stylus Architects to review a masterplan for their home. The client wanted to maximise their homes potential, improving the link between the building and the garden. Stylus Architects designs include a new two storey extension, loft conversion and new glazed basement. By using only glass and metal the new elements appear light in form in order to remain subservient to the original house.
The key to this design was allowing the garden to interact with the basement and ground floor levels, maximizing natural daylight into the property. The landscape architecture reflects the built form which acts as a further visual link between inside and out. The external upper terrace is accessible from the kitchen dining area. The terrace is also connected to the garden below via integrated external steps that tie into the landscape.
The interior design introduces a double height space over the kitchen area which links the new basement and kitchen zones together. Metal and glass pendant lights float over the staircase at varying heights and is framed by a minimalistic glass balustrade. The gravitas of this space is accentuated by the introduction of the double height timber wall. The vaulted ceiling uses thin metal fins that mirror the external fins in the front exterior planar glass.