Stylus Architects were appointed after a planning refusal of the original design. Reasons for the refusal included right of light concerns along with neighbouring buildings wanting to maintain unobstructed views to Alexander Palace.
Prior to producing any designs, Stylus Architects constructed a light of right model in order to inform the possible mass in which to design. The existing views of the Place from the neighbours windows was also taken into consideration. Stylus Architects took photos at surveyed points to ensure any finalised designs retained these views. This is what informed the curved façade of the ground floor extension as it maximized the space, maintained the views and created a sense of interest on the new façade.
The existing house is formed on multiple levels on the ground and first floor. This created an opportunity to drop the rear section ground floor level making a larger space for the kitchen and dining area. The garden was amended from three terraces to two, creating more meaningful spaces in the garden as well as allowing natural light to flood into the basement spaces.